Heaven is not for the perfect

October 9, 2018 § Leave a comment

It is true, that of ourselves, without the Lord’s mercy and help, we are unworthy of heaven. Miraculously, the Lord is able to reform and regenerate us, implanting good and truth in us and removing evil and falsity to the background of our being. Thus we can become angels.

Sometimes we loose hope of ever being made worthy of heaven because we focus all too much on our imperfections. Still, we should have hope. Even the angels in heaven are imperfect, and sometimes these imperfections come to the forefront.

However it sometimes happens that those in a lower heaven seek to go up into a higher heaven; they seek to do so because of a wrong desire that has its origin in pride, dominion, or envy. Those who have that desire and venture up are also let in now and again; but then they suffer badly. They are seized by anxiety, at length by pain, and also by blindness; their intelligence is destroyed, and their happiness. On account of all this they cast themselves down from there as if they are about to die, and do not revive until they have been cast down out of heaven. (AC 8797.2)

Their being cast down out of heaven, I believe is a temporarily let into their proprium until they can see that of themselves they are not good, and that all the goodness that exists in them is from the Lord. Then they are restored to heaven.

So we are not perfect, and neither are the angels. So we too can become angels and live in heaven. There is hope for all us. Never loose site of that, never cease from striving to follow the Lord.

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